


October 2017 / The new landed gentry are those who manufacture money, who have access to massive amounts of capital. — Ayad Akhtar in “JUNK” I want to begin this piece by looking back to near the end of the nineteenth century when Parisians, more specifically a French newspaper, organized a 78 mile road race from Paris to the city of Rouen. The purpose of the exercise was to determine...

Hiroshima Mon Amour


September 2017 / In the 2013 science fiction thriller Under The Skin Scarlett Johansson plays an alien who comes to earth and seduces unwitting men in Glasgow into becoming foodstuff for her BFFs hungrily waiting in the next galaxy back home. As we go to press, Trump is also facing off against North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in a life-and-death situation, which could very well challenge...

New York City’s Natural Gas Use as Part of Its Energy Consumption Pattern


August 2017 / In Theodore Dreiser’s The Titan, he described the energy landscape in New York City at that time as follows (and which I have paraphrased) : Frank Algernon Cowperwood does not believe in the people; he does not trust them. To him they constitute no more than a … coal seam which is to be exploited …They present but a mass of bent backs, their knees and faces in the mire...

Twilight in the Desert


June-July 2017 / “The eye of a human being is a microscope, which makes the world seem bigger than it really is. — KHALIL GIBRAN The U. S. State Department once called the vast oil reserves beneath the sands of the Arabian desert in Saudi Arabia the most valuable commercial prize in the history of the planet. Fast forward around 75 years and the five most valuable listed firms in the world...

The $1 Trillion Infrastructure Makeover


May 2017 / Coming out of this election cycle, we can seemingly make sense from the campaign rhetoric that the Trump administration intends to spur both GDP and job growth by investing in vital infrastructure projects in clean energy, information technology, high-speed rail, bridges and tunnels, even including drinking water, all to the tune of one trillion dollars. So far missing is more details...

Ron Spurga, United Metro Energy Corporation

Best-selling financial author, Wall Street investment banker, social commentator, award-winning poet, energy consultant, off-Broadway producer, and community organizer in Robert Kennedy’s presidential campaign, Ron Spurga is the ultimate Renaissance Man.

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